Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Did Winter Cross the Road?

...that's a stupid question. It can't. Anyways, winter break is over and here comes the inevitable sinking feeling.The new semester blues. That can only mean one's time to show off to the world those precious vacation pictures. By now, Facebook will be constantly updated with new folders of pictures. I too shall soon be joining the foray of jpeg images flooding the, that's not entirely precise.

I'm deliberating.

Heck, I think I will. At least this blog will suffer minor effects of this picture fever, just to keep the fire burning *hah!*

Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns!Ho!

P.S. Yes, I'm still writing like a normal human being. It's easier than I thought.No wonder blogging can be addictive....meh.


Sop said...

flickr should be a deserving site to upload shots from that dslr of yours.

Sir Ashcroft said...

Hmm, maybe. Yeah, maybe.

Anonymous said...


I'm the one that puts all the photos. Hundreds of them to be precise. Lolz. Nice collection of photos you got up there in the other entry. I shall put mine up as well.
