Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Silenced Halls

If hearts could cry,
Would it carry
The soft longing,
The bitter solitude,
The painful relief,
Saddled by tears
Of eyes that vowed not to weep?


Sop said...

that's called depression.

Anonymous said...

OH, it thrust me deep as I read the last line.. Speechless... Guilt immediately creeps into my heart, and I can feel the doleful sensation so strong... as though I've hurt the author so much, and passionately wanted to mend everything that's done...

Sop's comment just add on it!

Anonymous said...

Orang Bishop Tower,

jangan depress depress. Smile, you're 23 today :)

It's been a while. Take care.

ruzzane said...

and oh, Happy Birthday :)

Sir Ashcroft said...

Thanks ruzzane. And don't worry, I am far from depressed. I've been there and believe me I'm never going there again! Ahahaha...bloody electrical engineering...anyways...thanks again :D