Sunday, March 7, 2010

Of Players and Spectators

More than often spectators will claim themselves to be wise.

Sitting on benches, elevated from the field of play, spectators see events as they begin to unfold. Spectators more than often predict the trajectory of these events, judging them, and inevitably select and expect the next best course of action.

More than often, spectators forget what it is like to be on the field of play.

Treading through mud and grime, players face the game as they come. Split second decisions made on the go. Decisions incorporating every bit of intellect,emotion and assumption within that frame of time, just to take that one step forward. Players play it as they see it.

More than often, players take the right step. Some don't.

Who are we to judge too harshly when these roles, more than often, interchange.

Between players and spectators.


Sop said...

Spectators paid a lot to spectate; players are paid a lot to play. Physical-fitness comaparison aside, if spectators can fit in their roles nicely, why can't players do the same?

Sir Ashcroft said...

I'm not saying they can't. Sometimes people falter along the way. We all do what we think we need to do. Whether people fit in those roles, I think it comes down to the matter of opinion. Basically what everyone is trying to do is really get through the day. Regardless of the outcome, I think individuals would've thought they've already won the game.