Wednesday, April 2, 2008

That One Geek Moment

Found a wallpaper today with a stick man falling to his death and went splat on the ground. And in the middle, it went:

It's not the V(f) = V(i) + a t that kills you, it's the F = m a

I thought it was funny. If someone were to look up for what the equations meant, it would've been horribly not funny.

Learning physics finally did me justice today.


Lava said...

it is not a moment, Amir. face the facts. You are a GEEK!

Lava said...
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Anonymous said...

Force equals to momentum times apa eh? yg malas belajar medic ni. i forget everything

Anonymous said...

force equals mass times acceleration. chewah, aku igt lg. haha

Anonymous said...

ke tengok wiki... hahaha

Sir Ashcroft said...

Lavania: Meh, this coming from a person who's doing a project on nano-materials-thing-that-which-I-dont-understand.
I suppose it takes one to know one, eh?

Yusoff: You make Pn. Linda proud, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

long time no story mr i dont complaint much?