Thursday, November 19, 2009


I was in the kitchen to refill my mug when I saw a McD Cheeseburger on the dining table.



Sofia Ismail said...

ahaha. Linggesh punya kot. (boleh la plak Linggesh makan beef.)

Sir Ashcroft said...

I'm pretty sure it wasn't Linggesh punya burger sbb masa tu Linggesh dah tak dtg rumah sbb bdk2 mech dah abis exam, ergo takda burger McD.

Anonymous said...

...maybe its just a cheeseburger...without beef.... Or an 'edible' McD cheeseburger... Or just an indifferent perception of McD cheeseburger *shrug*

gesh said...

nah, aint mine mate...

Faliq said...

That burger was probably flown from Sydney's Halal McD.

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